Company details
  • 公司名称:深圳市精鸿艺电路有限公司
  • 企业地址:深圳市宝安区沙井街道同富裕工业区湾厦工业园15号厂房4层西南面
  • 工商注册号:440306105769841
  • 统一社会信用代码:91440300584069684N
  • 登记机关:深圳市市场监督管理局
  • 组织机构代码:58406968-4
  • 所属行业:电气机械和器材制造业
  • 关键词:PCB原型,
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Printed circuit board manufacturing and assembly press release

Here you can learn about our company's achievements, new products and service announcements. As a leading manufacturer of printed circuit boards, we are proud to offer the latest in PCB technology and advanced features, offering convenient service and fast steering options.

  • Printed circuit board manufacturing and assembly press release

    Here you can learn about our company's achievements, new products and service announcements. As a leading manufacturer of printed circuit boards, we are proud to offer the latest in PCB technology and advanced features, providing convenient service an

  • Printed circuit board manufacturing and assembly press release

    Here you can learn about our company's achievements, new products and service announcements. As a leading manufacturer of printed circuit boards, we are proud to offer the latest in PCB technology and advanced features, providing convenient service an

  • Printed circuit board manufacturing and assembly press release

    Here you can learn about our company's achievements, new products and service announcements. As a leading manufacturer of printed circuit boards, we are proud to offer the latest in PCB technology and advanced features, providing convenient service an

  • Printed circuit board manufacturing and assembly press release

    Here you can learn about our company's achievements, new products and service announcements. As a leading manufacturer of printed circuit boards, we are proud to offer the latest in PCB technology and advanced features, providing convenient service an